By Isabel Pulgarin

This summer, students all over might have the urge to shove their phones and laptops into a drawer to escape the blackhole of virtual learning. So, here are 10 book recommendations, some classic and some contemporary works, with which to escape the world of screens, including some from The Buccaneer staff.
Barry Student Picks:
1) Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas recommended by Autumn Davis
This 1844 French adventure novel tells the story of a handsome, young sailor, Edmond Dantès, over 23 years in an adventure for redemption after being tricked and wrongly imprisoned by four rivals, including a jealous man who marries the love of Dantès’ life. According to freshman theology major, Autumn Davis, this almost 180-year-old book has “stood the test of time as it discusses the topics of revenge, love, and betrayal.”
2) Today Matters: 12 Daily Practices to Guarantee Tomorrow’s Success by John C. Maxwell recommended by Ingrid Moreno
This motivating self-help guide tells readers that today is the most important day of life and it must be seized in order to make tomorrow and all the days afterward a success. Junior communication major, Ingrid Moreno, said this book “teaches you to start working on our goals from that instant” after one read.
3) Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek recommended by Diego Torres
In this lesson, Sinek explores the “why” behind leaders of organizations. Diego Torres, a freshman biology major recommends this “wonderful” book as it is the literary adaptation to Sinek’s 2014 TED talk, “How great leaders inspire action,” which he believes is an “amazing [speech] about self-behavior, relationships, self-growth and leadership.”
4) Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t by Simon Sinek recommended by Diego Torres
A follow up to Start with Why, this insightful book teaches you how to get people to follow your “why." Sinek’s “extremely interesting” book, is also recommended by Torres as it will guide its readers on how to help others thrive and find meaning in their work, while keeping the “why” as their inspiration.
5) In Cold Blood by Truman Capote recommended by Willima Nguyen
This true-crime thriller describes the 1959 murders of members of the Herbert Clutter family who live on a small farm in Kansas. Nguyen recommends this non-fiction novel because “it’s intense and chilling” and portrays the story in a way that makes it feel “almost as if they were your friends!”
BUC Staff picks:
6) All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven recommended by Brianna Lopez
This young adult fiction novel is based on Niven’s personal story told by two Indiana teenagers struggling with their mental illnesses and the idea of death in this heartbreaking love story. Lopez, the Buc copy editor, recommends this “tragic but beautiful love story” because it “discusses important and current issues like mental health, depression, and suicide.” She also recommends watching its film adaption on Netflix.
7) The Power of Meaning by Emily Esfahani Smith recommended by Melissa Tumbeiro
In her message to readers, Smith shares that in order to find fulfillment in life one must live everyday along 4 premises: “belonging, purpose, storytelling, and transcendence.” Through many inspiring stories, Tumbeiro, a Buc photographer and business liaison, said this book “digs into the concept of true happiness in different societies.”
8) The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho recommended by Amanda Gonzalez Garcia
This 1988 Portuguese novel tells the tale of Santiago, a young Andalusian shepherd boy and his mystical journey to find a treasure that leads him to find three greater treasures: hardship, friendship, and love. Garcia, a Buc writer and photographer, believes this book teaches you that “your journey is personal to you and it will come with challenges but you are in charge of how you react.”
9) Picture Perfect by Mylika M. Anthony recommended by Ashley Mobley
This part one to “The Perfect Series,” tells the love story between a CEO girl-boss and a professional football player and their journey to find a perfect partner but soon realize that perfection may not actually exist. Mobley, a Buc photographer, said this story “helps you put life in perspective” and “is a great book for those who love romance.”
10) The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday recommended by Lana Sumner-Borema
Holiday breaks down disciplines of perception, action, and will and tells readers how to use each as an exercise to live a life full of happiness while challenging our perceptions. Borema, a Buc writer, said this book is a “short [way] to notice your perspective and improve your mindfulness.”
