By Amanda Gonzalez Garcia

No matter what your religious beliefs are, the first crowd-funded, viral television series about the life and times of Jesus is a must watch.
“The Chosen” originally aired in 2017 and the show centers on the life of the disciples and their famous rabbi Jesus Christ. Additionally, it is the first ever show with multiple seasons around the life of Jesus Christ. It is now in its third season.
The protagonist, Jesus, is played by actor Jonathan Roumie. Mary Magdalene is portrayed by actress Elizabeth Tabish.
Relatable characters with a modern twist are some of the phrases used to describe this show. It is refreshing when period programs reference and support modern values while still preserving and educating audiences on historical times.

As far as accuracy goes, viewers do depict this show as being Biblically accurate. Each episode digs deeper to fill in any blanks that are not usually depicted or described in the scriptures.
The Media Entertainment Lab (MEL) at University of Northwestern at St. Paul interviewed some of their students on this series.
“When asked about his interest in the series, freshman Sam Hyttsten said that he was ‘excited’ to watch the series, and that he ‘heard it was pretty good,’” MEL reported.
Angel Studios is the streaming media service that first offered “The Chosen” under an equity crowdfunding deal. Because of this, the content was made available for free streaming.
Below is a breakdown provided by Angel Studios website that illustrates what each season and episode cover:
Episode 1
• The Healing of Mary Magdalene: Luke 8:2 Episode 4 • Jesus calls Simon: Luke 5:1-11 • The Parable of the Fish in the Net: Matthew: 13:47-52 Episode 5 • Young Jesus in the Temple: Luke 2:42-50 • The Wedding at Cana: John 2:1-11 Episode 6 • Jesus Heals a Leper: Mark 1:40-44
• Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man: Mark 2:1-11 Episode 7
• Jesus and Nicodemus at Night: John 3:1-16
• Jesus calls Matthew: Matthew 9:9 Episode 8 • Jesus Heals Peter’s Mother-in-law: Mark 1:29-31 • Jesus Eats with Sinners: Matthew 9:10-13 • Jesus and the Woman at the Well: John 4:7-29
Episode 1 • The Prologue to the Gospel of John: John 1:1-5 • James, John, and the Samaritans: Luke 9:51-56 • The Parable of Lost Sheep: Matthew 18:12-14 Episode 2 • Jesus calls Nathaniel: John 1:45-51 Episode 4 • Jesus Heals at the Pool of Bethesda: John 5:1-13 Episode 6 • Plucking Grain on the Sabbath: Mark 2:23-28 • Jesus Heals a Man with a Withered Hand: Mark 3:1-6 Episode 7 • The Lord’s Prayer: Luke 11:1-4 Episode 8
• Jesus Prepares for the Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5-7
Episode 1 • The Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5-7
Episode 2 • Jesus Sends out the Twelve: Luke 9:1-6 Episode 3 • Jesus Reads from the Scroll of Isaiah: Luke 4:16-28 Episode 5 • Jesus Heals Jairus’s Daughter: Matthew 9:16-26 • Jesus Heals the Woman with an Issue of Blood: Matthew 9:20- 22 Episode 6 • Jesus Speaks with the Messengers of John the Baptist: Matthew 11:12-19 Episode 7 • Jesus Heals a Deaf Man: Mark 7:31-37 Episode 8 • Feeding of the 5,000: Matthew 14:13-21 • Jesus Walks on Water: Matthew 14:22-33
Each episode varies in length and is roughly 30 to 60 minutes and can be watched from Netflix, Peacock, Amazon, Angel Studios, Apple TV and The Chosen app.